Monday, December 17, 2012


Now that the economy is showing signs of growth, it seems that divorces are on the rise. Individuals are beginning to hire themselves as a form of representation at the courthouses. Why? Well it provides a sense of self empowerment. It is a great way to also gain knowledge on how the divorce proceedings take place. The largest benefit is the cost savings. It is cheaper to represent yourself in court, then higher a lawyer. The recession has proved that divorces are on the rise as couples feel that financial problems are too much to bare. Therefore, they are will take to part ways by representing themselves in court.

Also, low income couples who cannot afford an attorney and simply do not have the time, find it easier and faster to represent themselves. As long as the divorcing couples determine their separation issues, it becomes easy to represent yourself in court. Furthermore, budget cuts are forcing a few individuals to work overtime, thereby pushing divorces behind a long list of issues.

Couples who seek divorce do not want to spend $1500 to pay an attorney for their legal proceedings. However, mediators are by far more cost effective and work at a faster rate than attorneys. Group WhyNot offers divorce mediation services for half the price. We also offer a free initial consultation and payment plans. Contact us today:

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