Friday, January 4, 2013

Peaceful Protests in the Case of the New Delhi Gang Rape

The brutal gang rape of a 23year old girl in New Delhi has rocked India and the rest of the world. The manner in which the victim was raped was horrific to say the least. However, rapes in New Delhi have hit a high record, further illustrating the increase in corruption and red tape in politics, government, and the local police. In fact, the law of enforcement of laws against rape have now erupted and the masses of India are in heavy protest.

However, the protests are rather peaceful. Women and men who are determined to stand up against corruption and demand the enforcement of the laws against rape are using a peaceful way to resolve this heinous crime. The technique that is being used to voice their opinions and force the local governments to make a change: protests. The protests are quite peaceful amongst the crowds. In fact, the crowd is not only demanding justice for the victim, but also enforcing the government to rethink how they do business! 


Photo by CNN. About 600 guitarists play John Lennon's "Imagine" in a tribute to the rape victim in Darjeeling on January 3.

Protesting in a peaceful manner is one such method to ensure that your thoughts, voices, and opinions are heard. With a mass of people, protesting peacefully is truly very difficult. Why? Well the reason being that some individuals are prone to get the attention of their audience by throwing debris, screaming, yelling, and attacking the local police, government buildings, etc. However, in India, the citizens are demanding their rights by peaceful means. 
The six men accused of committing this crime have been arrested and charged with rape, murder, and kidnapping. The crowd demands that they be hung. 

Do you think these six men should be hung or have the right to a trail until proven guilty? Share your thoughts with us today. 

Posted on behalf of Group WhyNot. 

No Soliciting.

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