The current events in the Middle East and African countries regarding the anti-Muslim protests have really spun out of control placing U.S. embassies and consulates in extreme danger. In addition, this has further placed the US troops in danger. Such international conflict has a root where the original conflict stemmed from. Unfortunately, the events that have occurred today go way back in history. So in order to better understand the conflict from a conflict resolutionist perspective it is important to look at the four main areas that have been affected by all parties: politics, religion, economics, and history. If you take each factor apart and examine why each area, you will better understand the true nature of this conflict.
Photo provided by CNN: A Pakistani demonstrator throws a
tear gas shell toward riot police during a protest against an anti-Islam
film in Islamabad on Friday, September 21. Angry demonstrators set fire
to two movie theaters in Pakistan's northwestern city of Peshawar as
many braced for intensified protests Friday, officials said.
Nevertheless, with the current event, it is important to keep in mind, especially whenever you read about the daily outbreaks against the U.S. embassies in foreign nation. In the U.S. we have freedom of speech. So the movie made against Islam was conducted on the basis freedom of speech. I am not saying that I agree with the movie, nor will I voice an opinion on the movie. However, one thing to keep in mind is that in eastern and developing nations, freedom of speech does not extend liberally as it does in the U.S. Therefore, to explain freedom of speech to individuals who don't really have it, is very difficult. Their lack of knowledge that the U.S. has freedom of speech, has further resulted in this uproar. So the balance of the issues are there in both nations.
Was it wise for the movie producers to create a movie during a time when the world is in uproar? The outcome has only hurt and killed our own soldiers and personnel who are trying to build a peaceful gap between the nations. Share with us your thoughts.
Posted on behalf of Group Whynot.
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