Thursday, July 12, 2012

Powerful Words

Words are very powerful. What you think and say will not only affect your audience, but most importantly it will affect you.

  1. The most selfish ONE letter word “I”Avoid It
  2. The Most Satisfying TWO letter word “WE”Use It
  3. The Most Poisonous THREE letter word “EGO”Overcome It 
  4. The Most Used FOUR letter word LOVE - Value It 
  5. The Most Pleasing FIVE letter word “SMILE - Keep It 
  6. The Fastest Spreading SIX letter word RUMOR - Ignore It 
  7. The Hardest Working SEVEN letter word SUCCESS” - Achieve It 
  8. The Most Enviable EIGHT letter word  “JEALOUSY”- Distance yourself from it
  9. The Most Powerful NINE letter word “KNOWLEDGE”Acquire It
  10.  The Most Valued TEN letter word “FRIENDSHIP”Maintain It
 By: Michele Molinaro

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