Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Anger Kills

 We are only humans and we are entitled to get angry during certain situations. These situations certainly vary, and the depth of anger associated with it also varies per person. However, when you become angry, and begin to have irrational thoughts, is when it becomes very concerning. Anger Kills and it kills you. When you become angry, you are only hurting yourself. You have to think about it this way. It is not worth it to take your anger out on someone. It is definitely easier said than done. Trust me, I understand!

When you become angry, walk away and determine your hostility roadmap. What is this you ask? Well it is a map that helps you identify how angry you are.

     Is it worth it to continue to stay angry over this issue?  Yes/No
    Am I justified to be angry?  Yes/No
       Is my reaction effective? Yes/No

Think about your reaction before you say anything. It is not wise to answer "yes" to the above listed questions. Why? Most of the time, anger arises at the heat of the moment out of irritation, annoyance, etc. So it is not even worth becoming angry.   How effective will your reaction be to you and the other person? Sometimes it's not even worth it to become angry as the other individual may not even care about how you feel or what could happen. Sometimes we think that becoming angry is a stress reliever of the situation but you will only hurt yourself. In addition, becoming angry for some people does not enable them to think rationally. Therefore, things are said and done that will not only hurt the other person but bring you  more regrets. No one wants to regret their actions, correct? Then, it is worth it not get angry.

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