I feel like I am not hearing a lot of people say what I think is the best thing about her article: she calls out employers for not valuing child care as highly as other “interests” employees might have outside of work. She compares how an employer may look at a marathon runner vs a parent:
The discipline, organization, and sheer endurance it takes to succeed at top levels with young children at home is easily comparable to running 20 to 40 miles a week. But that’s rarely how employers see things, not only when making allowances, but when making promotions. Perhaps because people choose to have children? People also choose to run marathons.Women need to stop apologizing for having kids, and just kick a** at work while also being primary care givers for kids. Who cares if you go home at 5:30 for dinner (like Sheryl Sandberg does) if you get everything done at work, and then some? Who cares if you finish your emails at 6 or 7pm at the office, or at 10 or 11pm at home after kids are in bed? I think that it is time to stop pretending that women need to act like men in order to be successful and powerful. Lisa Belkin, writer for Huffington Post, writes about Slaughter’s Atlantic article and offers this opinion:
I couldn’t agree more with Lisa, and in many ways with Slaughter as well. It is time for the working world to acknowledge that some of us have kids, and that taking care of our kids does NOT mean that we are slackers. In fact, I believe that Slaughter is correct – the discipline, focus, organization, and sheer will power it takes to be a working mom is a skill set that employers want from the best of their employees. It’s time to take the next step in feminism: stop trying to fit into the existing corporate world that defines success in a certain way (a traditional male definition), and bring the reality of parenting and career into the forefront. Admitting that we have children, and that we want to parent them well does NOT make us cop outs or people who work less. Having children should never “mommy track” anyone. In fact, instead of having “bring your child to work” day once a year, why not figure out a way to incorporate children (in an age appropriate way) into the working world? Imagine the tremendous benefit and education we could give kids if they were allowed to be seen at work, and allowed to participate in an age appropriate way. As Belkin states, this is about society’s responsibility to parents and kids. It is not about women at work.Changing the culture of work would benefit both sexes. Men don’t “have it all” either, at the moment, Slaughter reminds us. Not a one of us can unless this stops being a discussion about women and becomes one about work, stops being a conversation about one family’s problems and becomes one about society’s responsibility.
A few months ago I attended the University of Texas Venture Labs Business Plan Competition as a judge. The competition took place the same weekend my oldest son turned 8. I really did not want to miss his birthday, and wanted to figure out a way to be able to be there for my son’s birthday. Although I was hesitant, I reached out to the organizers of the event and asked whether my son might attend, sitting in the back, doing his homework, reading a book, and playing on his ipod. The organizers were extremely gracious, had no problem with it, and even had a badge made for my son when we arrived to check in. He sat next to me while teams pitched their businesses in the competition, listened to quite a few pitches, read his book, and did some math homework. He was very well behaved, loved coming on a business trip with me, got to see part of what I do, understands now what it means to “pitch” a business, and had an 8 year old birthday weekend he won’t soon forget. He behaved appropriately, was the right age to come along with me, and I was able to go on my business trip without missing my son’s birthday. We both won, and the event organizer even mused that he should have done more of that when his kids were younger. He said, ”What a wonderful experience for your son to see what you actually do, and see you in a professional environment.”
I realize that I am the boss and I make the call for what is “allowed” at my company. When I interviewed our VP of Product Development, my second son was not yet 3 months old and I brought him to the interview. If our VP had had a problem with my interview and the fact that it included a baby, he would not have the job he has today. I made no apologies for having the baby in the interview- it was what had to happen for my company and my child. The interview did not suffer and my son did not suffer.
As a woman in a leadership position I could not take maternity leave. But I did not let that sacrifice my bond with any of my babies. I brought them all into the office with me until they were 4 months old. I used a sling, and a nursing shield, and worked 8-10 hours in the office with a baby hanging in a sling. It worked for me, my company, and my babies. I was able to get a ton of work done, run the company, but still “attachment parent” my infant sons. I didn’t ask anyone, and I don’t think anyone can say i didn’t work just as hard as ever. I was tired, but what working parent isn’t?
More women in power have to pave the way and speak out to make flexibility and transparency for working mothers the norm. Why hide when we go home to eat dinner with our kids, especially when we know we will be back to work after the kids are settled? Does the actual hours in which the work gets done really matter? Isn’t it more of a personal choice for each woman to determine how much work she wants and is willing to do? Why not demand that we have the flexibility and hold our employers to judge us and critique us on work product and results, and not on face time in the office.
This is my call to all working mothers to stop apologizing for having children and wanting to be good parents, while still having great careers. It’s time we demanded the flexibly and support that we need to kick a** in the working world. The work can be done, and done well. It will be hard. It will take a certain amount of tenacity, structure, stick-to-itness, smarts, and plain old hard work. We will be tired, and we will be pushed hard. But if we want to, we can put in all the time and then some. We just need to be able to manage our schedules and have bosses and a working culture and society who understand the value we bring to the table. If we get more women in power positions, we can make the can make these types of changes happen in the organizations we run. We will not have to ask the men who currently hold the majority of the power positions to make any concessions. We will instead pave our own way. The new feminism is here. We are moms, hear us roar!
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