Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Truth or Lies?

So in my blog earlier, I mentioned the notion of "joker" acting in court correct? Well now the media has determined that perhaps the Holmes was indeed acting to try to get the insanity plea. An easy way out right? Well not so fast. It will be difficult to prove that Holmes is in anyway insane. His behavior is obviously not normal. But, his behavior in court was simply an act. Perhaps after doing research on psychosis behavior, the back up plan was for him to act "crazy" or "insane" to get the insanity plea. This will not happen. It will be difficult to prove that he is insane when he does not have any history diagnosis, nor medication related history to support this theory. This is a simple case of a pure nutcase who lives in our society.

 Source: CNN.com

The various faces made by the joker in the 15minute court attendance was a mere act of insanity. He attempted to look lost, dazing in and out of what was going on. Perhaps it was an act of disbelief, that he couldn't believe that his actions actually came alive. Perhaps he had acted it out many times in his home, but yet, this was now reality. He was sitting in the court room facing his destiny in the hands of a judge and soon to be the jury.

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