Sunday, October 28, 2012

Control and Conflict

Control is a very common feature in most individuals. Some individuals are more or less controlling than others. However, the manner in which control is used can set the stage of how behavior reactions are expected. Whether in your personal lives or professional environments, individuals have the ability to want to control situations and decisions. However, such strong desire to control can result in conflict.

Conflict can arise when opinions differ, if both parties want to control, and if decisions are not made collaboratively. Conflicts can vary from mild to violent. The pendulum that swings with conflict as a result of conflict truly depends on how individuals behave.

We present to you a few tips on how to manage conflict when tensions are high:

1. Avoid communicating over email when working with someone who is controlling. The best avenue to take is to either pick up the phone and speak to the individual or face to face. Sending something in writing can often lead to misinterpretation, which can further result in conflict.

2. Be understanding. Being understanding and saying that you do is important, as it will create empathy, and deescalate the conflict. Say the words "I understand" as it will calm down the tension expressed by the other party.

3. Do not share your anger. Do become angry or begin to scream if the other party is screaming. On the contrary, read their behavior and react accordingly. If you feel the other person is getting more aggressive, then engage in reflective listening. This will further assist with deescalating the conflict.

4. Try to remain neutral. This will create patience. If both parties are angry, it will not help diffuse the situation or calm the other individual. Rather, the opposite will occur. Therefore, put yourself in the other person's shoes as he/she is speaking. Then tell them, "I understand you are upset and feel that you are not wrong. However, let's look at the situation from this angle". This will further assist you to deflate the tension slowly. Remember most people become irrational when they are extremely angry as they cannot see how they are behaving or realize what they are saying.

Group Whynot provides trainings on conflict resolution and communication. We will cater trainings to each individual or organization. Contact us today: or (786)529-8513 for more information. Visit our website: 

Posted on behalf of Group Whynot.

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