Thursday, October 25, 2012

Tips for a Successful Boss

This blog is particularly focused how you can be a good and successful boss. Depending on the nature of the business and size of the business, bosses may have a positive or negative perception. The perceptions are created by employees based on the actions of the boss towards the employees. However, it all depends on the manner in which the boss treats his/her employees, how hard that boss work, and other aspects of a boss. The benefits of a good boss can also encourage employees to work harder, be productive, which in turn makes the boss successful. This can also result in a positive workplace environment.

Group Whynot's motto:

Less conflict = higher productivity

To be a successful boss you can do the following:

1. Be humble. A boss should never behave in an arrogant manner. This is a huge turnoff for employees and discourages employees as well. An arrogant attitude can further result in negative office gossip and eventually resentment against the boss.

2. Be flexible. Bosses need to be understanding towards their employees. Flexibility includes being understanding if an employee uses a sick day due to their child being sick. Or allowing a good employee to leave a bit early for 1 day as a reward, etc. Flexibility will allow an increase in productivity. However, bosses must watch out for those employees who take advantage, so flexibility does come with limitations. For example, managers should be understanding if a good employee makes a major mistake.

3. Be honest. Bosses need to speak clearly and directly, but not in a harsh tone. Managers should never give the "run around" to employees. This will only create resentment down the road. Employees know more gossip that managers can imagine. Rumors also contain 50% of the truth. So in order to be credible, managers need to be honest. If you can't give an answer, just say "I am unsure what is going but when I find out and if it effects you, I will speak to you....". This is better than straight lying, specifically when managers say "In 2 years you will be exactly where you should be in your career and we will help you get there". This is something ambiguous and good employees do not deserve such answers. Remember, if you want to keep your employees motivated and avoid turnaround, be honest. Honesty also inspires employees to be honest and own up to their mistakes.

4. Be proactive. Bosses need to be proactive. They should always be a few steps ahead of their employees. If a mistake occurs, a good manager should be proactive and take actions instead of blaming and individual and focusing on the mistake. On the contrary, managers should move forward on the next plan of action to resolve the issue. At a later date you can ask your employee how they have learned from the mistake and what to watch out for so next time this mistake will not occur.Successful bosses should always have a next plan of action ready for any instance.

5. Be patient. Bosses are successful when they are patient. Sometimes it takes longer for employees to learn new procedures, systems, etc. Bosses should be patient, and train employees with patience. Bosses cannot lose their temper or show negative emotions. It will only discourage employees, produce resentment against the boss, and result in employee turnover. You as the boss have to coach your employees.

Group Whynot provides trainings to managers. If you are interested in trainings, please contact us at We will create a training catered to your needs. We look forward to hearing from you.

Posted on behalf of Group Whynot.

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